Winter has stated slowly. Well, okay, November is mostly foggy/cloudy/grey so nothing new there. Sunday evening it dropped for few hours down to -7C but bounced back to around-zero again and there is a heat wave somewhere around Irland and UK on it’s way to east so it will be warmer again.

I just wish to have a white ground . First because I just like snow, second I need to film some stuff. Third, I would like to have white Christmas. To think about it, it was white Christmas last year!? (I’m getting old, i don’t remeber things).
But Sunday I had a half day outdoors with my friend Peeter and the evening was just beautiful compared the usual grey s….t in the sky. Just few people who have had tour with me have had a chance to see that spot. It’s a public coastline but i keep it sort of private, it’s kind of my “view” and not so eager to share it! :). But if you now know that spot then ask next time and i might give you a photography tour there.