So I made myself a Christmas present and updated my trail cameras to 4G ones to get finally live information about observations. It took some time and finally last Sunday being semi-illish I managed to set them up at two spots in the forest. The first spot has been success for elks already for couple of years. So on Sunday there were lot of fresh moose footprints and droppings, so it was just matter of some climbing and testing. But the first visitor for that camera was lynx.

Although I spend bit more time in the forest than avarage hobby photographer, I have not had any luck so far to get even miserable photo. I have had couple of lynx observations every year, but those have been short and unexpected. So it’s my lucky day then, even i didn’t press the shutter button i’m still happy to see that image. There should be a video clip on the memory card so after couple of weeks I will share that with you as well.
Second camera I set up beside wildlife trail and to cover also dead tree stump. There is fresh signs of woodpecker activity and it’s quite good candidate for owl nest. SOmehow my gut feeling tells me the trail is exactly out of from the camera sensitivity range and I suspect that woodpecker is too small from that distance to trigger the camera. But lets see, i wait 10 days or twoo weeks before making any changes, but i’m thinking of setting up one or two more…