Have you heard about least weasel (ld. Mustela nivalis)? Least weasel is the smallest predator in Estonia and also in the world. Average body length in males is 130 to 260 mm (just to make you a little comparison – brown bear footprint is 130-250+mm).
I have seen weasels only 2 times. These photos are made some years ago, it was a total surprise to see weasel running in the gravel road. I jumped out from my car and the weasel disappeared. About thirty seconds later the weasel came back with lunch in the mouth.

Least weasel has brown back, tail and limbs; their chest is white. But in the winter they are all covered with white fur to hide from predators, so it’s not easy to notice them.
Usually they eat different rodents, but they are also able to catch frogs, fish and small birds and it’s not a problem for them to kill rabbits. Small but strong!